Learn English

Would you like to practice speaking in English?  Are you a student from Kasetsart University and would like tutoring for your english classes?  Are you a working professional located in Sriracha?

The Ao Udom Christian Church is home of an ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING CENTER.  This service is important as Thailand progresses and becomes an integral part of international business. 

English lessons have been provided by years by highly qualified instructor named Steve Cheong, who has spent years here in Thailand.  His program has developed some of the most fluent Thai-English speakers in the region.  
Instructor Steve Cheong with five of his graduates from the English Learning Center 2010

In order to help a broader range of Thai nationals with varying skills set, the lessons will be modified to meet basic conversational skills.  University students are welcome to sign up for tutoring lessons so that they may receive assistance with their own course material.

The English Learning Center is currently recruiting more volunteer English Trainers. 

