(Acts 17) The apostle Paul wrote that he saw a place of worship in Athens that read:
Therefore, the One whom you worship without knowing, Him I proclaim to you: 24 God, who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands. 25 Nor is He worshiped with men’s hands, as though He needed anything, since He gives to all life, breath, and all things. TO THE UNKNOWN GOD.
The Word of God, the Bible, says that God created all men, from every nation dwelling on the face of the earth. God created man knowing the time in which we are living, and the very boundaries of our dwellings. He created us to look for Him, and to ultimately FIND Him! God says He is not far, but He is very near to each and every one of us. (Acts 17:26-28)
God revealed Himself through the Bible. Yes, it was written in the Middle East, and specifically through the Jewish race. The God of the Bible says that He is the one who created everything and holds everything together. He made man, and breathed life into him. God made man perfect, but with a free will. God's will for man is that we know who He is, and that we can take great pleasure knowing Him. He takes great pleasure in us, as we get to truly know who He is, and that we can live worshiping Him. The problem is that God is perfectly Holy. There is no evil in Him. Mankind, because it has free will, is not perfectly Holy. From the very beginning of the first man whom God had made, choices were made against God. Satan, the devil, was there to stumble Adam. When we go against God this is called sin. Sin is what separates us from God and drives a wedge in our relationship with God. The Bible says that you can truly know God, no matter what you may have done in the past. But in order to truly know God, He had to make a way for us to truly know Him. Come by the church, and we would love to answer your questions. You will find that if you ask God to show you who Jesus is, God loves to reveal that to you in a very personal way.
How can you know God and be His Child? Here are links to some background information. Please come and visit us and find out more!
This video explains the "four spiritual laws" which explain God's plan for you.
There are many religions and philosophies in the world. Is every religion correct? Ravi Zacharias explains how someone can be genuinely sincere in their faith, but yet still miss the mark.
This video has visual glimpses of the Son of God who came down from heaven, in humble form, to meet with us and show us who God is. He is the ICON of the invisible God. He is One with the Father, and He stated that He is the Creator. He is God. He proved it by living a perfect life with no sin. Then He gave His life up to die on a cross to take a cruel punishment that He didn't deserve, in substitution for you and me. Then He rose from the dead, proving He is who He said He is.
This is a video of the horrific beating Jesus took for us. He did this to demonstrate how much He's willing to do just so you can understand how much He loves you...to what depths He would go so that we can be justified before His Father in Heaven. His Father loves us so much that He would give His only begotten Son (Jesus) for us, to pay a penalty for us. So that our debt would be paid by Him, the only one who could pay it. It is by undeserved merit we will be saved from eternal separation from God. It is a free gift, given if you have faith and you believe what God had said about His only Son. Believe in your heart that Jesus rose from the dead, and confess with your mouth that you have fallen short and you needed Him to die for you... Believe and confess with your mouth that Jesus is the Lord of Heaven, God's Son, and God (One with the Father)....believe and confess that He rose from the dead after the cross, and you will be saved from eternal separation from God. If you do not believe, you will not be accepted by God because you would have called Him a LIAR....because He had done on the Cross was for you.. Trust in Him for your salvation, you will always fall short from your own deeds.
Is it logical to believe the Bible? The Bible said there was a global flood that destroyed the earth and the vast majority of animals and people. Is this a fairy tale? Here's some information that proves there truly was a world wide flood:
Is it logical to believe the Universe Created Itself? Of course not! Read below...